51 Good Luck Messages for College Students

College can be a stressful time for students, but knowing that their loved ones are wishing them luck and success can give them the boost they need to make it through. Show your support and send a good luck message to your favorite college student. Here are some examples of what you could say.

People Studying Inside A LibraryYour marks are going to be stellar this year. I can feel it! Congratulations on receiving a scholarship, and enjoy your first year of college.


I know how hard you’ve been working these last few years, and it’s finally paid off! You got into your dream school, and I couldn’t be more proud of you. Enjoy every second of it!


Good luck with getting all those assignments in on time next semester – although the way that teacher talks, you might as well give up trying ever since high school. Have a good one!


Graduated? Congrats! Now you can finally relax and enjoy college. However, don’t get too complacent or you might not end up with that degree in the end. I hope you have fun this year!


I hate to say “I told you so,” but… Well, actually no – I totally do want to say “I told you so”! Congrats on graduating, and have a good year.


Good luck with your classes this semester! Don’t forget to take breaks every once in a while or you might start stressing out. Good luck!


Your studies are going to be better than ever this year. I can feel it! Have fun.


Congrats on graduating high school – now the real journey begins. Work hard this year, because there are plenty of exciting opportunities ahead of you if you do well enough. Enjoy every second of college life!


You finally did it, congrats!! Now all that’s left is to enjoy what college has to offer… But don’t get too caught up in enjoying yourself that you slack off on school. Best wishes for this semester!


Good luck on those finals coming up – even though you’ll probably ace them all anyway, I’m sure of it. Congratulations again on graduating.


You’ve finally done it – high school is past us now and we can never go back to those days again. Enjoy the stress-free life that only college can offer! Good luck with your classes this year – I know you’re going to do great!


I don’t know how you do it, but somehow your grades always end up being stunningly good no matter how many hours a week you put into studying or doing homework! Congrats – enjoy college life.


Best of luck this new year! It’s your turn to finally get that 3.5 GPA, and I hope it works out for you. Stay strong!


May the odds be ever in your favor! Break a leg this semester, and have fun with all those projects assigned by your professors. Luck is on your side this year, I can feel it.


Break a leg! You’re going to do great in college; I know you will. Just remember that if you need help – any time – there’s always someone around who can give you a hand or lend an ear. Congrats again and good luck!


Congrats on making it through high school alive and well! It’s been hard work, but you made it. Enjoy your new-found freedom at college!


I’m sure that roommate of yours is going to be a handful. Just remember the tricks I taught you about dealing with people, and hopefully things will run smoothly. Stay strong!


Friends are going to be scarce when you get there, trust me. However, once you make a friend or two it should start to improve. Have a good time in college!


OMG did you hear who got together with who? So glad we graduated from high school so we can have actual lives again… Good luck in college! You’re going to do great 🙂


Rough year ahead if all your classes are as hard as mine were – just think of all those study breaks as practice for the future. Good luck!


Gotta hand it to you, graduating from high school and going straight to college is pretty impressive… I’m not sure I would be doing as well myself if I hadn’t gone out first. Congrats!


Classes next year are going to be super hard – but hey, you managed to get into a good school so you have nothing to complain about. Have a great break and don’t forget what Mom taught you!


That teacher can be a bit much at times – just remember that the semester only lasts a few months so it will go by fast either way. Stay strong!


I’m super excited for you starting college & getting into that “real world” of life. As someone who’s gone through it before, I can tell you that it’s totally worth getting up at 6 am for!


Your parents are super proud of the grades you’ve been getting in college this semester, and your sister’s even more impressed with how much fun you’re having on the weekends. Make sure to send them a message.


From all of us at College Magazine , we wish you an amazing first year learning on campus! You found your classes were just easy as high school? That’s hilarious! Good luck on your finals, and take notes because there might be a quiz later.


Every day I look forward to waking up to some good news from you – usually in the form of a fun new selfie or a silly video. I hope you have an awesome year in college and enjoy every possible minute of it!


I know this is your last year in high school, but I bet you feel like it’s just flying by. You might even miss those past four years once they’re over! Good luck on the next round of tests – here’s to hoping we get some A+’s out of them!


You’ve got this one in the bag, dude! It makes sense that you want to spend all your time doing homework and studying for tests – that’s just how focused you are when it comes to succeeding at what matters most to you. Let loose every once in a while too though, and take some time to relax and have fun.


I’m so excited for your last year in high school! I know you’re probably sick of hearing it, but this is it – the last one! Make sure you enjoy every second of it, because there are no guarantees that things will go back to normal next year.


You managed to stay strong throughout the whole difficult process of getting into college, and all that hard work has definitely paid off. Go out tonight with your friends, because if nothing else they deserve a reward for being there for you when times were tough.


Good luck on finishing up high school! You did an amazing job managing all those tests while also having fun at parties this weekend – don’t forget to get some rest too, you deserve it.


I don’t know if you noticed, but I’ve been super busy with senior year lately. Congrats on being one of the last ones though! Going to parties every week is a great way to celebrate – they’re going to be a lot more fun now that we have so much free time on our hands.


Don’t worry about your grades – you can still pass this semester even if you don’t get anything higher than a C+. If it makes you feel any better, the teacher kind of sucks and will probably end up failing themselves at the end of all this. College will be easier anyways!


You’re off to college in a few weeks! Hopefully you like the place because it looks like that’s where you’ll be living for the next 4 years. Good luck with your classes, and enjoy yourself out there!


Congrats on graduating high school! I know how hard you worked to get here, so make sure to go crazy since you deserve it. Just don’t do anything stupid…


Chill out, dude. You got through high school without any serious incidents (that we know of), so hopefully college is just as easy; no more teachers breathing down your neck every five minutes! Enjoy yourself.


Keep up the good work this year – but if things get too much just remember that you’re not the only one struggling. Anyway, best of luck on your exams and enjoy yourself while you can!


You’ve worked so hard to get here, and I couldn’t be more proud of you. Make sure to enjoy every moment and take in all that college has to offer. Good luck with your studies!


Good luck with the year ahead! Don’t forget to have some fun along the way too 😉


Everyone told me how much work it is being a college freshman… but I know you can do it!! Make sure this year includes lots of exploring new experiences 😉 oh, and good luck on that math class!


Well done on making it over the line in the end! Congratulations on finally graduating high school. Good luck with all your exams this year, and have fun!


Wish you the best of luck on your finals next week – I hope they go well for you! Remember to stay focused, but still try to enjoy yourself too. Congrats on making it this far, you’ve worked so hard!


I know how difficult college applications are, but hey – look at where you are now! It makes me happy to see that some things in life do fall into place eventually. Congratulations on getting into college!!


Congrats on being accepted into university. You’ve come a long way since high school graduation day . Just remember that once the newness of college wears off , real begins…so be ready!


You’ve made a great decision that will definitely help you improve your future. Congratulations on going to college and I hope it is the best experience of your life. Make sure to enjoy yourself as well as do your best .


Wow, congratulations on graduating high school. It must feel really good to be done with all those exams and projects . Enjoy this time right now – soon enough , you’ll be chasing after that graduate degree or looking for another job instead of sitting around relaxing during summer break !


I hope that it’s not too daunting moving away from home, especially since you’re starting college so far away this year. Just know there are always people available if needed . Have fun!!


I’m sorry but I couldn’t resist wishing you good luck with all the work you have to do this semester. I’m sure you’re going to succeed!


I don’t know what kind of shenanigans are going on at your school, but good luck dealing with all the nonsense next year! Enjoy it while it lasts because it’s not always so easy.


Here’s a good luck message for those of you who have to do group work. In all seriousness, I hope everything goes as planned!


I know it must be tough moving away from home and going to college. But never forget those people who love you so much, and have been cheering you on all this time! Your family misses you already, but we can’t wait to hear about all your first year experiences. Good luck my dear!


If only every semester was as easy as the last one. Enjoy next semester while it lasts because after that it’s going to be pretty difficult. Congratulations on getting into college though – how exciting is that?!


It’s already the end of the summer break and soon enough classes will start again. I hope you’re ready for it!


I know how much you wanted to get into that certain college, and guess what? You did. Now enjoy every moment of being there. It’s just one step closer to your dream becoming a reality!


Good luck with all the new experiences you’ll have in the upcoming semester my friend. Remember that life is full of unexpected surprises, so brace yourself for whatever comes your way!


You’ve reached the letter ‘U’ in this article about good luck messages for students moving on to university or college – congratulations! Have fun at your new school and treat it like an awesome opportunity to grow as a person.


Good luck studying for exams! I’m super happy for you and hope everything goes well.


You finally made it through high school, congratulations! Now enjoy college life – no more teachers or homework. You deserve it!


It’s time to kick back, relax, and watch some Netflix this semester. No more assignments or tests, just chillaxing. Congrats on graduating from high school!


I honestly don’t know how you manage to get decent grades, but good luck with studying for your exams next year. Stay strong!


Good luck with the assignments this semester – I know you’re going to do great on them. You did a fantastic job in high school and college is going to be even better. Congratulations!


I hope you have a good time during orientation week of college. It’s definitely different from high school.


Congrats on graduating from high school, and happy holidays! I’m so proud of how hard you worked over the years. Good luck on your finals, and try not to stress yourself out too much before Christmas break starts 😛 Best of luck for the rest of this year!


Wow, you’re in college already? You’ve grown up so fast! How does it feel to not have to study for a while? Enjoy yourself and don’t stress out too much about your exams.


You must be really excited for the upcoming semester – all the freedoms that come with being an adult. Good luck with adapting to life outside of high school and I wish you all the best.


Hang-ups aside, you are going to have a great time ahead with your newfound independence! Don’t forget that studying is important too though, just try not to get too worked up over everything else.


No matter how stressed you are feeling right now, remember this: at least there’s no homework or tests to worry about. Have fun and relax, and remember that there’s always next semester!


It seems like yesterday we were watching you graduate from high school. Aren’t you glad that class is over? Enjoy your newfound freedom while it lasts, I suppose.


Haha, congrats on the newfound free time; we had quite a few classes together, didn’t we? I know you’ve been looking forward to this day for a long time now, so enjoy it while it lasts. Just don’t get too carried away!


I thought you’d be hanging around here until college was finished; look at how wrong I was! We all know how much school meant to you before though…the party is finally over!


I think this is the first time I haven’t seen you in school for several weeks, so congratulations on graduating! Since I don’t have to see you anymore, though, good luck with getting stuck into college work.


You must be really excited about starting your first year of college; it’s not too late to change your mind and go back home if it’s something you’re not looking forward to. Good luck though.


All that work paid off – well done on making it into your dream college! Hope everything goes smoothly this semester; whether it does or doesn’t, I hope you’ve enjoyed high school as much as possible.


Good luck on your finals next week. Just remember to come home for Christmas if they’re stressing you out too much. You can always take a break from studying, but there is no chance of a re-do once the test is over with. Good luck!


I know going off to college must feel really scary, but it’s going to be one of the most amazing journeys of your life. Don’t stress about it, just focus on having fun and making memories that will last a lifetime.


Embrace the freedom and responsibility of college life! You can finally be your own person without worrying about what Mom and Dad think of you all the time, so make it count!


I know that going off to college will seem scary, but just remember that this is an opportunity to meet new people and experience new things. Don’t get too worked up over everything, have fun while you’re there!


Wishing you a great first year of college. I hope that you feel at home on campus with plenty of support from family and friends around you. It’s not always easy being away from home for the first time so take care of yourself as well as possible. All the best!


The next few years are going to fly by in a flash, so make the most of every second!


It’s not going to be easy, but at least you get to live with people who understand how hard it is. Enjoy college life while you can!


Stay strong this new semester and don’t get too stressed over your work. You’re almost there and eventually it’s just going to click into place. Keep your head up high and good luck!


Think positively and you’ll do great things… plus we won’t have to hear about all the homework dramas. Good luck and stay strong!


You’ve got this, I’m sure of it! Stay positive and keep making me proud 🙂 Oh, and try not to miss home too much.


I am very excited for your future pursuit of knowledge at college. Continue to follow your dreams and you will be successful in all that you do!


It’s a scary time, but you’ve done the hard work, so this is a big moment – a lot of fun ahead of you too. All the best for this new adventure.


Good luck on your exams, I know how nervous you are about getting into graduate school! But I have faith in your abilities to succeed.


I hope that college is everything that you hoped it would be and more! You’ve worked very hard through high school, from maintaining amazing grades to doing tons of extracurricular activities, and now it’s time for some well-earned fun!


Holy – most people don’t get into the college they wanted to go to! You’ve worked so hard and you finally get a break, enjoy it.


Every day of this year will be filled with great new experiences that last a lifetime! I can’t wait for you to have them.


Good luck on your finals, do well on them so we don’t have to deal with your ugly mugs around here ??


Congrats on getting into college, son/daughter/nephew/niece! We’re all very proud of you ?


I know how stressful preparing for exams can be, but if there’s one thing I’ve learned from university it’s that pizza helps a lot – good luck!


College can be challenging but I know you have it in you. I have full faith in you, so now it’s time to live up to your potential. Keep your chin up and good luck!


Don’t just sit around waiting for things to work out – take action! After all, being proactive will lead to results way faster than just staying idle. Keep working hard and everything will turn out great.


I’m so happy you’re finally pursuing your dream of attending college. This is an exciting time for both you and me, so here’s to all things wonderful that this year has in store!


So many changes are ahead of you, but remember that there are still people who love and support you no matter what comes up. I know you can keep on going strong if only with the help of the best family on the planet!


Congratulations on finishing high school. You successfully landed yourself a spot at university, so no more studying on how many words per minute you read anymore; enjoy every moment of it!


Good luck on getting through another semester; I know it can be tiring, but remember to take care of yourself – and your marks!


You’ve finally made it – a new semester, a new year and a new chance at life! I know you’re going to achieve your goals this year. Good luck!


I don’t know if they’re busy or not, but those friends of yours aren’t as supportive as they should be. You’ve got good grades and keep on studying hard like that (: Congrats for getting into university!!!


Although we can handle our own problems by ourselves, we could always use some help from our family and friend every now and then; we all need people we can rely on… Keep in touch with us and remember to call if ever you feel stressed out, don’ t give up on yourself either! You’ll be there soon enough.


Remember to let your parents help you out with things, especially before an exam! You still have time to study for it, don’t give up hope!


I know that you might be feeling a little alone now but just remember not everybody’s as lucky as you are to have someone there for them even though they haven’t really done anything much..


It’s okay if you feel the pressure right now; college is tough and so is making career decisions at this stage of your life! Good luck in whatever path you decide on taking.

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