51 Thank You Notes for Condolence Messages (Heartfelt & Inspiring)

When someone sends you a condolence message to support you in your time of grief, it is important to acknowledge the gesture with a message in return. However it can be difficult to know what to say, here are some examples of messages to send on receiving condolences.


#1 Your note of comfort rings loud and clear in my heart even now, several days after receiving it. It has lifted up my spirit more than once over the past few days. You are truly one of the most caring people I have ever known. Thank you for your thoughtful condolences, and please know that they will stay with me always.

#2 I’m taking the time to send you a note because it’s incredibly important to me that you know how much your kind words mean to me right now. For all that you have done for me, thank you so much. Your thoughts have genuinely lifted my spirits in this difficult time, and I hope you never forget how grateful I am for your help.

#3 Thank you so much for writing me back so quickly! It means the world to know there are friends out there who are ready to drop everything at a moment’ notice when tragedy strikes. I hope that knowing me and my family are in your thoughts brings us some measure of solace during this incredibly difficult time. Thank you for your condolences.

#4 The power of your kind words cannot be denied, and they have brought much comfort to me in an otherwise confusing and trying time. Your unconditional sympathy is truly touching, and it has helped me keep one foot firmly grounded ever since receiving the news about [person]. You will never know how much your kind thoughts mean to me, but please know that I am eternally grateful nonetheless.

#5 I know it has only been six days since receiving the news about [person] and life goes on as usual, but sometimes all I feel like doing is laying around in bed crying all day long. Receiving your message was an unexpected blessing at just the right moment, and thank you so much for taking the time to let me know that others were thinking of me. Your kind words mean more than you could ever know.

#6 Thank you so much for writing back! There’s no question that having supportive friends like you has made all the difference over these last few awful days. It feels wonderful not to feel alone in my grief, and knowing that you care so much is truly a blessing. Thank you for your condolences.

#7 Thank you for reaching out to me during this difficult time. I know it’s asking a lot of you to reach out to someone who has just experienced such an awful loss, but your kind words have meant the world to me ever since receiving them. You are one of the most generous people that I know, and thank you again for your condolence message.

#8 I want you to know how much your note brought me comfort when I needed it most. For all that you said about [person], thank you so much. Your thoughts were thoughtful and considerate, and they really did make this terrible time seem slightly more bearable. Thank you for your condolences, and know that they will stay with me always.

#9 I hope that this thank you note finds you well and coping as best as possible in the aftermath of such a devastating event. Four days after receiving the news about [person], I still don’t think any word accurately conveys how much it hurts to know we will never see or hear from them again. You have been there for me since day one, and no matter what words come to mind I can only offer my warmest thanks.

#10 Thank you so much for taking the time to send over your kind thoughts during this difficult time. It means more than you might ever know just knowing that another person cares enough to write, especially at such a trying time. Thank you for your condolences, and please know that they will stay with me always.

#11 Thank you for writing me back so quickly! I know that it’s only been a few days since receiving the news about [person], but sometimes it feels like it happened 100 years ago. Knowing there are people out there who care enough to send their condolences really makes all the difference in times of grief, and I cannot thank you enough for being one of them. Thank you again for your kind thoughts during this difficult time.

#12 I want to take a moment just to say thank you for all that you have done to help me through this dark period in my life. The despair is still palpable even now, four days after hearing about [person], and it truly feels like there will never be a light at the end of this horrible tunnel. Knowing I have friends out there who care so much about someone they have never met is one of the only things keeping me going, and for that I cannot thank you enough.

#13 Thank you so much for writing me back right away when I needed to know that people in my corner cared enough to write a condolence note. This last week has been an utter nightmare, and being able to lean on friends has kept me from losing all hope altogether. Your words mean more than you could ever understand, and please accept my heartfelt gratitude for your condolences.

#14 Thank you for sending your thoughts over when I really needed them! It’s been four days since hearing the news about [person], and it still feels like I’m in a complete state of shock. There are really no words that can describe how much this has affected me, but knowing people out there care enough to send their condolences is certainly helping. Thank you for your kind thoughts during this difficult time.

#15 I will never have enough words to convey how thankful I am for your heartfelt condolences. Your kindness has given me the strength to carry on in my darkest hour. Thank you so much for taking time out of your busy schedule to share a few kind words with me.

#16 As soon as I heard, my heart sank into my stomach. One of the first thoughts that went through my mind was “Goodbye.” When I find myself thinking these kinds of negative thoughts, it helps me to remember that there are wonderful people like you who care about me and offer their condolences during this difficult time. For this, I thank you deeply.

#17 Your comforting message is greatly appreciated at this trying time. The loss of someone close can leave us feeling so helpless, but knowing that you care has given my spirits a much-needed lift. Thank you for your condolences.

#18 I am truly thankful for your words of comfort during this difficult time in my life. Your warm thoughts are like sunshine on a cold day, bringing warmth and understanding to my heart. Thank you for helping me to become strong again by sharing your condolences with me.

#19 Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to share your heartfelt concern with me at this very trying time. It is not often enough that we thank our friends and loved ones when they help us without expecting anything in return. But I want you to know how grateful I am for all of the kind things that you’ve said about my loved one. I will treasure your condolences always.

#20 Your kind words have given me the courage to keep going through these difficult times without my loved one by my side. Our friendship offers me hope for the future, and your condolences lend strength to my heart. Thank you so much for taking the time out of your busy schedule to write this message of condolence.

#21 When I think about how thoughtful an act it is to send a condolence message, I begin to feel all that is good in the world again. When life gets tough, someone like you is exactly who I need on my side – caring, concerned and capable of lifting up my spirits with just your words of encouragement. Thank you for sending this heartfelt message during my time of loss.

#22 Thank you for your kind words of condolence. You’ve managed to tear down the walls that I’d built around myself out of self-pity, and raise my spirits with just a few simple sentences. Your message makes me feel like less alone in this difficult time, which helps me tremendously to overcome adversity. Thank you so much for your support.

#23 I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for sending these beautiful messages of condolences. The love it shows me has lifted up my spirits when I was feeling low, and has given me hope for the future. This kindness will never be forgotten, and offers great comfort during this difficult time in my life.

#24 Your thoughtfulness is appreciated beyond words at this difficult time. I cannot put into words how much your words of condolence have helped buoy up my spirits in these lonely times, but know that they’ve had quite an effect on me. Keep up the great work!

#25 Thank you so much for these kind messages during this difficult time in my life. Your message has cheered me when I was feeling down, and encouraged me to carry on without worrying about what others think or say. You’ve given me the strength I need to get on with things at this time, and I will be forever grateful to you for that.

#26 Writing to you is a way of reaching through the miles that separate us and expressing my gratitude for your heartfelt condolences. Knowing that I’ve been on your minds during this difficult time has given me much-needed strength. Your kind words, loving thoughts, and generous deeds have helped me to feel less alone. Thank you for everything that you have done for me.

#27 I know words often seem so inadequate when we want to express our grief after someone dies. But your kindness and warmth have truly touched my heart in a way few things can. Know that I am so grateful for all of your thoughtful messages as well as acts of kindness performed in memory of my loved one.

#28 Perhaps it is because you are grieving at the same time that your messages have meant so much to me. Perhaps it is because you know how important it is to be reminded that I am not alone. But please know how grateful I am for your condolence messages and the kindness behind them.

#29 I’m not sure if my words can express how much it means to me that you have thought of me in this difficult time. Your heartfelt condolences, sweet gestures, and unwavering support continue to touch my heart with their warmth and generosity. Thank you for everything.

#30 Having someone who understands what you’re going through makes a huge difference in coping with grief at a time like this when things feel so uncertain. You showed from the very beginning that I wasn’t alone by sending your kind condolences. Thank you for your loving thoughts and for sharing in my grief.

#31 I am so grateful that you took the time to write me, because it means more than words can ever say. The fact that I have your support during this difficult time is truly priceless to me, and knowing that you are thinking of me is heartwarming beyond measure. Thank you so much for everything!

#32 Your kind gesture of sending your condolence message has brought warmth to my heart at this very difficult time. It’s wonderful knowing there are people who care about me out there! Your heartfelt condolences help keep things in perspective and show that no matter what happens life must go on . So thank you very much!

#33 Having someone like you express their sympathy at this time has brought great comfort to me. Knowing that my loss is on someone else’s mind, and that they are thinking of how I must be feeling helps me to feel less alone. Thank you for the condolences you offered, they truly mean a lot to me.

#34 I really appreciate you taking the time out of your busy schedule to send your condolence message . It meant so much to receive your sentiment at this difficult time. Your kind words have touched my heart with warmth, and reminded me that there are always good people in this world who care about others more than themselves. Thank you for everything!

#35 I don’t know what to say, but I want you to know how much your condolences meant to me. When I felt like my world was falling apart, you were there for me with your warm support and kind words. You really went above and beyond in helping me through this hard time. Thank you again for your condolences.

#36 I am overwhelmed by the outpouring of love that has come my way since my loss. Your passing on of condolences is the most touching of all the messages of goodwill that have been sent my way. Knowing that others understand what I am going through helps me cope with this significant loss in a very meaningful way. Your thoughtfulness means more than I can say; thank you much for reaching out to me and showing me your concern.

#37 Your condolences were like a gentle spring rain that eased my sorrow and made the flower of hope grow again in my heart. It is incredibly meaningful knowing that you care enough to send well wishes and thoughts of sympathy. Your comforting words mean more to me than I can ever say; thank you!

#38 Thank you for taking the time to pass along your condolences. Even though it’s been weeks since our loss, we often catch ourselves wishing we could talk about our family member or friend one more time with them here on Earth before saying goodbye forever. Knowing how many people are remembering us at this difficult time makes an immeasurable difference in dealing with this loss. Thank you so much for being there when I needed you.

#39 Your words of comfort are truly touching to me. Going through this loss is unimaginably difficult, no matter who you are or where you’re from. It warms my heart to know that so many people have reached out with their thoughts and prayers during this time. Thank you for comforting me at one of the most difficult times in my life.

#40 I’m not sure how I can ever repay you for all the support that you have shown us during our grief journey. Your condolences were so warm and heartfelt; it went beyond what we could have asked for or even imagined was possible when facing such a terrible loss. Our family is grateful beyond measure for your kindness, understanding, and generosity during this dark hour in our lives.

#41 Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers during this time of grief and sorrow. It means so much to know that we can turn to our friends and loved ones for support and understanding when we need it most, especially in times of great loss. My heart is filled with love at the thoughtfulness you have shown my family during this difficult journey. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

#42 Your words of sympathy really touched me when I was feeling just awful about the death in our family, which is why I’m reaching out to thank you again now after everything has settled down a bit. When life gets hard sometimes, it’s lovely to have people in your corner who share your pain or understand what you’re going through. I’m so glad that our paths crossed.

#43 Thank you for all the lovely thoughts and words of condolences that you have sent my way recently. It’s very meaningful for me to know that you are just a message away if I need anything during this difficult time in my life. Losing someone is never easy, even when it was expected or hoped for, but your kind words help me remember why I’ll be okay someday soon.

#44 During this sad time, there are definitely things people say which don’t comfort us at all, but your heartfelt condolences really made an impact on how I feel about myself since the death of my loved one. Thank you for taking the time to express how much you care; it means more than I can say.

#45 I feel so honored to have received your condolences for the loss of my family member just recently. It means more than you’ll ever know to know that people care enough to send their thoughts and prayers our way during this difficult time in our lives. Thank you so much for your kindness, generosity, and support.

#46 Your small act of kindness meant so much when I was feeling down about the loss in my family recently. Your condolences were the first sign that there are other people out there who understand what I’m going through; it made me realize that things will get better eventually if I keep moving forward with life instead of focusing on all the sadness around me right now because it’s normal to feel grief after saying goodbye to someone you love. Thank you for easing my mind during such a sad time in my life.

#47 Your kind thoughts and condolences really lifted my spirits when I needed it most, especially after the loss of someone who was very close to me. It means more than words could ever say that our paths crossed like this at such a difficult time; thank you for sharing your love and support with me and giving me hope that I will one day feel joy again soon.

#48 I know how difficult it can be to find the right words sometimes, but thanks to your wonderful comments here on Facebook I feel so much better now than I did before reading them. Your heartfelt condolences really comforted me as I try to cope with losing someone special in my life recently; it means more than you could ever know. Thank you for helping me get through this difficult time in my life.

#49 Your kind words really mean a lot to me right now, especially after the loss of someone I cared about deeply. I can’t even begin to explain how thankful I am that our paths crossed today; it means so much to me that people like you are willing to send their condolences during such a sad time in my life. Thank you so much for your support and understanding during this difficult journey.

#50 Thank you for all your heartfelt thoughts and condolences since we lost our dad recently. It has meant so much to us to know that there are people out there who share in our grief when it feels like everyone else is carrying on with their lives without giving us even the slightest bit of thought. Thank you for taking time to send your condolences our way; it means so much to us right now.

#51 While words don’t always come easy at times like this, thanks to your kind words I feel so much better than before reading them. Your thoughtful condolences have really made an impact on my life since the loss in our family recently; it’s good to know that if I ever need anything you’re just a message away. Thank you for everything, and thank you for caring about me and my family during this difficult time in our lives.

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