55 Thank You for Being Part of My Life Messages (Heartfelt & Inspiring)

It’s always nice to receive a thank you message, and even nicer when it comes from someone we care about. If you’re looking for ideas on what to say to someone who has been important in your life, take a look at the following sample messages and quotes. They are sure to express your gratitude in the best way possible!

four boy playing ball on green grass


#1 There is nothing more comforting than knowing that our relationship doesn’t just have potential – it’s inevitable! Thank you for being a part of my life, and for becoming an integral part of something that I cherish with all my heart.

#2 While there are so many people to thank, I want to take the time to tell you how grateful I am to have met someone as wonderful as you! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being a forever friend.

#3 Thank you for entering into my life at such an auspicious moment. Sometimes it feels like we’re meant to be more than just friends – but if anything ever changes between us, know that no matter what happens, a piece of me will always treasure our time together.

#4 You’re a great friend and I’m really glad you’re in my life. It’s not just that you’re beautiful, caring, and sensual. It’s also that you’re my friend, and it’s always nice having someone around who knows all of your secrets. You are so special to me, and I want you to know that I care about you deeply.

#5 Thank goodness our paths crossed when they did – it feels so good to have a friend who knows exactly how to make things better when they aren’t going according to plan! Thank you for all of the great memories and for always knowing exactly what to say, my friend.

#6 You’ve been such a positive and active force in my life and I can’t tell you how much it means to me. Thank you for believing in me and pushing me forward with each step we take on our journey! I couldn’t have done it without your support. It is because of these reasons that every day I am thankful that we crossed paths when we did. You inspire me, sweetheart!

#7 I know that there are plenty of other people out there who would be more than willing to be part of my life if I simply reached out and asked them – but why would I ever want anyone else when you already fill that role perfectly? Thank you for all that you do, and thank you for being my friend.

#8 As much as I enjoy the things we share together, it is the little moments – like seeing your name appear on my phone screen or having to make plans because you’re busy – that bring me the most joy to experience with someone else. You are appreciated more than you will ever know.

#9 I sincerely appreciate our friendship every single day, and knowing that I have a face to call when I need a laugh has been simply invaluable. No matter what happens from here on out, always know how special you are to me!

#10 There isn’t anyone who would make a more perfect friend than you. You have been there for me through everything and I am so thankful to know someone so incredible as you. You’re supportive, understanding, and an all-around great person to be around. Thank you for always being there for me when I needed it most.

#11 You are exactly what I’ve been looking for in a friend. The fact that you are now my best friend is something miraculous, actually – almost like fate brought us together out of thin air! Thank you for your kind heart, your considerate nature, and the joyous times we share together every day.

#12 When life gets hard or stressful, knowing that I can turn to you to listen makes all the difference. Thanks for providing me with a shoulder to lean on, and for being there when I need you more than ever. You are a dear friend to me, one that I am extremely lucky to have.

#13 Being able to look at your face each day never fails to brighten my mood. Thank you so much for always doing what you can to be supportive of every part of my life, while also putting up with my shenanigans. You’re the best!

#14 Life has been so much more exciting since we decided it would be fun to get together and live life like it’s supposed to be lived. The adventures we share are some of my favorite memories, and our friendship is what makes the good times all the better.

#15 You’ve me at my best and my worst, and you’ve never once let me down. You’re someone who I can always count on to be there for me no matter what the situation might be! Thank you for your support, and for letting me know that I am awesome just as I am.

#16 I can’t thank you enough for everything that we share – beautiful moments, amazing memories, and the kind of awesome friendship that is truly special. I hope we get another 50 years together like this one! Thanks for all the awesome times, cutie pie.

#17 I’ve been so fortunate to have a brother like you. You are kind-hearted and sweet, and I couldn’t be more grateful for everything that you have done for me throughout the years. Thank you, big bro.

#18 You have been a wonderful friend since day one – which has made all of these years extremely special. I want you to know how much your friendship means to me, because it always will. You’re amazing!

#19 Dear sister from another mister, thank you for being my confidant over the years. There have been numerous times when we’ve had conversations that meant a lot to both of us on an intellectual level, and I appreciate having someone who actually cares about what I think out there in the world.

#20 Thank you for all of the laughs, happy times, and memories that we’ve shared over the years. I feel so lucky to have known you my entire life because everyone needs someone like you by their side!

#21 Although these days I don’t think about what it would be like if I didn’t know you, back when we first met I often wondered why fate had brought us together. You are wonderful person who is beyond special, and I hope our friendship lasts forever.

#22 There are some friends who deserve an award for being amazing people – but not me! All of my gratitude goes out to you for being such a kind person throughout your life. You never fail to make me laugh, and I hope that one day, someone makes you feel as special as you are.

#23 Thank you for being a part of my life – it wouldn’t be the same without you. You have been such a good friend to me ever since we first met, and I am so lucky to know that we will always be together.

#24 You were not only there for me during all of those tough times in my life, but also shared your own stories with me so that I could relate to other people who might be going through the same thing. Thank you for being such an incredible person, and giving me love when I needed it most.

#25 I don’t even know where I would be if it wasn’t for the friendship that we share. You have always been there for me, and I am so grateful to know that you will be here even when things get tough!

#26 You are one of the most incredible people that I have ever met, and by far one of my best friends. Thank you for all of your love over the years, because it has meant the world to me!

#27 You were there for me in times that I didn’t even think about going out of my way for myself. You showed up during some awful moments in life, and did a wonderful job making me feel better about everything. Thank you for being a good friend to me through every step of the way.

#28 I feel so blessed that I got the chance to get to know you and become a part of your life. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this wonderful journey we call life.

#29 My life wouldn’t be the same without you in it, and I thank my lucky stars each and every day for bringing us together. This relationship feels so easy, and comfortable – like I’ve known you all of my life. Thank you for being such an important person to me; I love you dearly!

#30 Thank you for always turning up new ideas that help our lives become easier and more fulfilling. You are such a helpful person, and it means the world to me knowing that somebody as special as you is on my side – working with me toward building a better future for both of us.

#31 Thank you for always treating me with kindness and respect when others have not been so kind. Your friendship is something special in this world, and I hope that I can be just as loyal and loving of a friend to you.

#32 I feel so blessed that I got the chance to get to know you and become your friend, because we’re simply great together. Thank you for being my number one support system in this crazy world, and for always knowing what to say to make me laugh when I need it most.

#33 You make each day worth waking up for! Thank you for making my life better with every passing moment. You will never understand how much joy you have brought into my life, dear friend!

#34 Because of our time spent together, I see things in a different way. Through your encounters with me, I have learned more about myself than ever before—and in turn, discovered who I want to be. Thank you for being a best friend like no other, and for always knowing what to say to make me smile.

#35 You are my rock, the one that I can depend on when everything else is falling apart. No matter how long it’s been since we’ve last spoken, you’re still the same person that I know—and love—so well. You mean so much to me, dear friend.

#36 It’s an incredible feeling getting the chance to call someone my partner in crime! Thank you for all of your support and encouragement over this journey called life. I am happy every single day because of our wonderful friendship!

#37 Over the years, I’ve experienced a lot of bumps in the road. But through it all, you were there. Thank you for being a bright glimmer of light during some of my lowest moments. I cherish our friendship and all that we have been to each other.

#38 As hard as life can be sometimes, I feel so incredibly blessed to have someone like you by my side throughout it all. Thank you for sticking with me through thick and thin, and thank you especially for always letting me know exactly how much I mean to you.

#39 Having your support means everything to me. Through every bump in the road both big and small, thank you endlessly for standing alongside me with unwavering faithfulness and compassion. You are one-of-a-kind!

#40 Thank you for lifting up my spirits when I was at a low point. You have been there for me time and time again, and I will always cherish that about you. With gratitude,

#41 I cannot thank you enough for being a friend like no other. Thank you for never giving up on me, even when others had given up entirely. Your support means everything to me, and I simply do not know where I would be without it. Life is better with friends like you in it!

#42 Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of your support throughout the years. By my side through every obstacle, you have been someone who holds a very special place in my heart. With love, forever and always!

#43 There are some people that come into our lives and change us forever. Thank you for being one of those special people who has been a wonderful addition to my life. I love you, sweet friend!

#44 As someone who never speaks without thinking first, it takes a lot for me to voice what’s on my mind. In this message, I am working up the courage to say exactly how much you mean to me. So here goes: thank you for everything that we have been through together, and most importantly, thank you for simply being a part of my life. With love from the bottom of my heart.

#45 I will be lucky to have your love, support and companionship in my life. You are an amazing person and I’m blessed that we met in this life. Thank you for everything, I really appreciate it!

#46 I am who I am today because of you, and in a way that is more than just about the things that we’ve experienced together or how we’ve grown through each other. Our friendship is something special and unique, and it is what makes me most excited to see where our lives go next.

#47 Thank you for being such a great friend. When I think back on all of the memories we made together, they always bring a smile to my face even when times get tough. Your presence has changed my life, and I’m excited to see what the future holds.

#48 I’ve never known another person who is as compassionate and understanding as you are, and it makes me feel so lucky that our paths have crossed in this life time. Thank you for all of your support, my dear friend.

#49 From all of the memories that we’ve made together to all of the things that we know about each other, I wouldn’t trade knowing you for anything in the world. You were a great friend when I needed someone most, and no matter how far apart we may be from each other you will always remain a special part of my life. Thank you!

#50 You have made my life so much better by being there for me and choosing to spend your time with me. I’m so thankful for you, and the way that you make me feel every day. Thank you for continuing to be such an important part of my life, and my heart is filled with love for you.

#51 Who knew that someone like you could exist? You are such a wonderful friend, and it has been such a pleasure to get to know who you really are as we continue through life together. Thank you for letting me be myself around you and loving me despite all of my flaws.

#52 You’ve impacted my life in more ways than I can express here – thank you from the bottom of my heart for choosing to be a part of my life and for contributing so much positivity to it. Even though we haven’t known each other for that long, you’ve made such a lasting positive impact on me. I can only hope that one day I will get the chance to do the same for you.

#53 I don’t know where I would be without you by my side throughout this journey called life. You have been an important source of strength and stability for me, and your presence in my life has given me so many wonderful memories that I cherish dearly. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all that you are and all that you bring into my life every day with your love and support..

#54 You have been such a positive presence in my life and I can’t begin to tell you how much I appreciate everything that you do for me, every day. You make everything better and your love and support mean the world to me. Thank you for giving me someone like you, and I promise to return all of the wonderful things that you give to me by being such a good friend back to you.

#55 Even though we haven’t known each other for that long, thank you so much for choosing me as your family member through thick and thin. Your presence in my life is an irreplaceable part of it and we have already created so many amazing memories together. Thank you so much for being mine, sweetheart!

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